Exhibition Type:
How many exhibition works:
- 100 +
Artwork by - Marah Balo - Best Overall Watercolor
The artwork for this exhibition has been selected based on category, quality of work and technical skill. 153 artworks were selected and juried into the virtual award show by Kassandra Kaye, Founder and Managing Editor of Camelback Gallery. Artist represented in this show are from 23 Countries including USA, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Bulgaria, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Solvenia, Philippines, Belarus, Uruguay, UK, Australia, Puerto Rico, South Korea, Taiwan, Switzerland, Malta, Italy, Ireland and India.
Best Overall- John E Schaeffer
1st Place - Joe Maibach, 2nd Place - Cher Pruys, 3rd Place - Diane Carriere
Merit Awards
Christopher Forrest, Emily L. Joseph, Nancy Librett, Lauren Walker
Finalist Awards
Adamcio, Albena Borisova, Cher Pruys (2), Christopher Forrest, Cindy Beacham, Deborah A Brosen, Suzanne Françoise, Jonathan Thompson, Josie Ane Sakura, Kate Paccioretti, Marian Yap, Megan Whitfield, Nancy Librett, Naomi Oleksyuk, Nicole Traver, Rencia Froneman, Tori Becks
Best Overall - Aleksey Zhukov
1st Place - Paco Martin, 2nd Place - Tanya Finch, 3rd Place - Sarah Benett
Merit Awards
Cheryl Kunzelman, Rochelle Oberholser, Sonja Jones, Stacey Barge
Finalist Awards
Catherine Frey, Deborah A Brosen (2), Dennis Ciccoli, Guglielmo Botter, Helen Turkdogan, Holly Cannon, JOANNA, Joel Richard Armstrong, Nancy Wolitzer, Robyn Bromham, Rochelle Oberholser, Sheryl Unwin, Vesela Sultanova, Ward Starrett
Best Overall - Carl Krupitzer
1st Place - Ben Nelson, 2nd Place - Chang Wan Jin, 3rd Place - Marjorie and Bob Moskowitz
Merit Awards
Marjorie Moskowitz, Arie Collins, Chen Yang Chan, Katherine Grossfeld
Finalist Awards
Ariel Collins, Barbara Boeglin, Bob Moskowitz (2), Don Robles, Godwin (2), Joye DeGoede, Katherine Grossfeld, Krys Von Tornado, Marjorie and Bob Moskowitz (2), Marti Niles, Michelle Oats Smith, Mijin Kwon (2), Olga McNamara, Sharon Hernly, Taylor Higdon, VesA, Zdene Flerin
Best Overall - Rhonda Whittington
1st Place - Adrien Little, 2nd Place - Barbara Boeglin, 3rd Place - Emily Hsu
Finalist Awards
Adam E Romswincke, Adrien Little, Beverly Carlson-Bradshaw, Cheryl Kunzelman, Deb Farrimond, Holly Cannon, Lorraine Roberts (2), Lyn DeLano, Pamela Siik, Tracy Abraham (2)
Best Overall - Marah Balo
1st Place - Aleksey Zhukov, 2nd Place - Mark Kaufman, 3rd Place - Elizabeth Burin
Finalist Awards
Anna Mitchell, Emily Singleton, Gina T. Judy, Lizzie Jayne Coles (2), Mary Blinn, Meghana Patwardhan, Naomi Griffin
Best Overall - Henrik Bakmann
1st Place - Theodor Grossman, 2nd Place - Monique Belmedioni Conaway, 3rd Place - Rodney Usback
Finalist Awards
Carl Krupitzer, Diamante Lavendar, Gabriele Gracine, Henrik Bakmann (2), Marie Claude Asselin, Martirio, Nicole Martinelli, Robert Bolla
Best Overall - Holly Cannon
1st Place - Bob Debski, 2nd Place - TR Barnard, 3rd Place - Cindy Beacham
Finalist Awards
Carey Apostolu, Christy Mandeville (2), Connor Brennan, Cynthia Beacham, Ken Kochakji, Leo Tujak, Nicole Martinelli (2), Ties van Brussel, TR Barnard (2)
Best Overall - Aleksandra Scepanovic
1st Place - Kay Iozzo, 2nd Place - MJ Okawa, 3rd Place - Christina Spann
Finalist Awards
Jose Gonzalez, Angela Gilmore, Christine Booras, Dennis Ciccoli, Elaine Rettger, Emily Singleton, Joe De Haan, Marti Niles, Mary F Vivo, Michele Bourdeau, Peggy Albers, Robert Obier, Robert Snyder (2)
Virtual even, link provided below.
- 265 reads